Alex 🧢
2 min readJun 25, 2024

Mr Greedmore's last breath

Once upon a time, in a world not so different from our own, there lived a society deeply entrenched in the ways of capitalism. Money ruled the land, and the pursuit of wealth was the ultimate goal for many. Yet, as the years passed, the cracks in this system became more apparent, and the world yearned for change.

The last capitalist, an elderly man named Mr. Greedmore, lay on his deathbed. His once-mighty empire had crumbled, and his riches had lost their luster. As he took his dying breaths, he was visited by three spirits, each representing a different aspect of the new world that was to come.

The first spirit, named Hope, showed Mr. Greedmore a vision of a world where people no longer competed ruthlessly against each other but instead collaborated and shared resources. In this new world, communities thrived through cooperation, and the pursuit of happiness replaced the pursuit of endless wealth.

The second spirit, named Equality, revealed a world where the gap between the rich and the poor had closed. People worked together to ensure that everyone had access to education, healthcare, and a decent standard of living. The concept of hoarding wealth for personal gain had become a relic of the past.

The final spirit, named Earthkeeper, showed Mr. Greedmore a world where the environment was cherished and protected. Nature had been rejuvenated, and people lived in harmony with the planet. They understood that true wealth lay not in material possessions but in the health of the Earth itself.

As Mr. Greedmore took his last breath, he realized that the world he had known was fading away, and a new era was dawning. He understood that the pursuit of money for its own sake had led to suffering and inequality. In his final moments, he whispered a message to those gathered around him: "Seek not wealth, but the well-being of all."

And so, in the wake of the last capitalist's passing, the world began to change. People embraced Hope, Equality, and Earthkeeper's visions, working together to create a society built on cooperation, fairness, and sustainability.

As the years passed, the world flourished in ways Mr. Greedmore could never have imagined. It became a place where the pursuit of happiness, equality, and environmental stewardship were the guiding principles. The story of the last capitalist served as a reminder that the pursuit of wealth, without consideration for others or the planet, could lead to ruin.

And so, in this new world, a brighter future was born, one where the well-being of all was valued above all else, and where the lessons of the past were never forgotten.

Alex 🧢

Early 2019, @MSNBC added presidential candidate Andrew Yang to a 》DO NOT INTERVIEW《 list. @scottsantens has excellent documentation of the #YangMediaBlackout.